Whimsical in Jeans

An outfit consisting of a black wide brim fedora, a sheer long puffy sleeve blouse with an oversized attached pussy bow, tied in a ow around the neck, with a lack sheer lace camisole layered over and tucked into light wash high waist wide leg jeans and black, pink, cream and grey dark velvet floral boots.

When I said that my Autumn style inspiration is a not so lowkey vampire, I wasn't kidding. 

What's Katie Wearing?

Thrifted Hat, originally H&M
Thrifted Top, original brand unknown
Thrifted Camisole, original brand unknown
Universal Standard Jeans
Thrifted Boots, originally A New Day
Whimsical in Jeans

Thank you for your comments! I try to reply to all comments, but if you want a faster response, find me on Instagram @thekatieedition!